Well, I have survived my first Heroescon and it was a blast. I was impressed with the great turn out of artists. There was such a concentration of talent that it blew me away. It also made me realize that I have a lot of work to do in order to get ready to table next year, but I am always ready for a challenge.
This year I was just observing and seeing how the artists set up their booths and work the crowd. It was nice because I was there to meet people and get acquainted. Some of the artists that I had the pleasure of meeting were: Sean "Cheeks" Galloway, Tom Bancroft, Chris Schweizer, Guy Davis, Frank Cho, and many more. They are all solid artists and people I admire, and recommend you look at their work if you haven't.
Also, stay tuned during the coming year because I am going to push myself and hopefully see some results in my art. I have a feeling Heroescon next year will be even more fun!